2023-04-12 - Product Committee

2023-04-12 - Product Committee


Apr 12, 2023


  • @Wes Brown

  • @Taylor Downs

  • @Shukla, Ayush

  • @Cora Bay

  • @Valeria Tafoya

  • @Stadnic, Valentina

  • @Nico Lueck

  • @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated)


  • @Esther Ogunjimi

Meeting Recording

Recording URL:

 Discussion topics





Review Action Items


5 min


GovStack Products Overview

@Nico Lueck

10 min

Can we create an overview of all products, their scope, timeline and value proposition?

Example: GovStack Offerings and Products


  • When presenting GovStack in front of certain stakeholders, we can more easily advertise the different values of our products.

  • We can create a high level timeline of major releases of all products

    • A few weeks ago, a short problem statement was presented by @Nico Lueck , that there was a lack backrgound/lines to take when speaking about the different products published under GovStack and their actual value propositions.
    • To address this issue, a he crated a page as an example to propose an overview of all GovStack products, their scope, timeline (possibly tracked through Jira), focal point, value proposition based on user groups, and envisioned goals based on target groups. The intention is to have everything we put out under open license available as an onepager brief for each producty.
    • The group discussed whether this type of page would be useful and decided that it would be valuable to have, with some members suggesting it be built in a way that re-uses content from the source of truth (timelines from Jira and etc) to avoid duplication.
    • It was suggested that the name "DPG" (digital public goods) is maybe a too broad of a term or GovStack outputs. It was agreed that DPG can be used for all content produced if needed. @Wes Brown will brainstorm to see if there is a better name for the site.
    • DIAL "Exchange" should be added to products list as well.
    • The group discussed using "upcoming deliverables" for the roadmap section of the proposed overview page since the spec work never ends and upcoming is more resilient to changes.

    Next steps:

  • @Nico Lueck will reach out to each of the products owners to ask them to fill in the proposed page with details of their products.

Postpartum and Infant Care Use Case

@Sainabou Jallow

5 min


  • There is no new content change, only a new format.

  • @Sainabou Jallow explained a use case is based on the content coming from DIAL Exchange use-case. They added a new GitBook use case template and listed stakeholders and building blocks per step. If anyone has time can comment and contribute to the use case!

  • @PSRAMKUMAR commented on the Exchange the diagram that this use-case is based on. Noted that some aspects of the use-case overlap with other cases and need for case management. Activities such as consultancy have several steps inside, each with several building blocks accordingly (eg. registering).

  • @PSRAMKUMAR suggested that the registration process's second step, which involves collection, verification, and enrollment, should be called the application process. The group discussed finding a place and time to discuss what to name the registration step. Should it be an application step or not? Margus argued that application is a semantically different process from registering.

Priority Use Case Sectors

@Wes Brown

15 min


  • Yolanda: Education

    • High-School Records (from Somalia)

  • Yolanda: Case management

    • Coming from Kenya Anti-Corruption engagement

    • This is a wholistic component within the Kenyan ecosystem

    • Wes: Perhaps this could be a “Capability” as we develop this idea

    • Margus: Is this similar to Document management? If so, would need to consider access, archiving, etc

      • “An endless source of joy”

  • Margus: Legal/Court

    • Court/legal proceedings, scheduling, etc

    • Publication of law, changes to law, application of it?

    • Can research source documents/guidance from European context, not sure about global south

      • Yolanda: Estonia is a great source for this!

  • Ramkuar: Ag

    • Ramkumar can reach out to a contact to get connected with good sources for this sector

  • Saina: Finance

    • Discussed use cases with contact in Nigerian gov

    • Margus: Aare is a “tax authority”!

  • Sarah: Climate

    • There are many potential use cases and organizations working in this space

Next Steps

  1. Identify potential use cases in each sector

    1. Find volunteers to analyze sectors and identify potential use cases

  2. Decide on which use cases to prioritize for the next (post-1.0) publication

Meeting Note Rotation



GIZ, Estonia, Dial, ITU

 Action items

@Shukla, Ayush to create a live master directory document (on Confluence) with links to all relevant GovStack folders/files across the technical and non-technical workstreams. @PSRAMKUMAR to then circulate this master directory link to all team members. PRD-120: Migrate Master Directory Document to ConfluenceAccepted Ramkumar requested this item be checked as complete. Choose to keep or remove next meeting
@Wes Brown track work for Release (Publication) Notes to go with the 1.0 publication
@PSRAMKUMAR determine individuals that were working on Use Cases prior to gitbook timeframe and share with Saina (Will send to Saina by Friday)
@Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) get the names and approval of people to include from country engagement work for EPR and Construction Permit use cases


  1. Contributors will be listed alphabetically with no groupings


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