2023-12-21 Meeting notes


Dec 21, 2023


  • @Damian Szafranek

  • @Damian Borowiecki

  • @Karolina Kopacz (Deactivated)

  • @Łukasz Ruzicki

  • @Piotr Kabelis (Deactivated)

  • @Krystian Lider

  • @Steve Conrad

  • @Nico Lueck


In those meetings, we should mainly focus on the Compliance Form development progress.


The purpose of this meeting is to show and validate past sprint increments and determine future adaptations. 

 Discussion topics





Sprint summary and progress on the project

  • Past sprint goal and scope validation 

  • Progress vs set project goals and milestones

Sprint goal:

  • Finalizing Software Form Handling

  • Implementing Approver functionalities

Features planned for the sprint:

  • Automated Jira ticket creation (Done)

  • Email notifications (In Progress - awaiting AWS support response. Currently it’s not possible to send emails outside of AWS domain.)

  • Adding Software Version to the form (Done)

  • Authorization system (Done)

  • Read-only mode for the form (Done)

  • Help button (Done)

  • Filtering (In progress - might not be finished)

Sprint outcomes demo

  • Milestone 1 Compliance results reports - @Karolina Kopacz (Deactivated)

  • Milestone 2 Compliance form creation and submission - @Piotr Kabelis (Deactivated)

  • Milestone 3 Approver functionality - @Łukasz Ruzicki

Questions and comments to the outcomes demo

  • Does the user need to fill every checkbox before continuing while filling the draft?

    • User can skip even the required points and save the form

    • User won’t be able to submit the form if required fields are not filled

Necessary adaptions (identify + plan)

Requirements clarification


Short vision for the next few days

Actions planned for the next days:

  • Implementing requested changes

  • Filtering - we will attempt to finish this functionality

  • Notifications - verifying after response from AWS

  • Error message when attempting to login without sufficient rights

  • Release

DPGs integration into Test Harness

Update from @Damian Borowiecki & @Łukasz Ruzicki




 Action items