February 9, 2023 Technical Committee Meeting Note

February 9, 2023 Technical Committee Meeting Note


  • @PSRAMKUMAR @Taylor Downs @Taylor Downs @Paweł Gesek

  • @Steve Conrad @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @Aleksander Reitsakas @Artun Gürkan

  • @Ingmar Vali @Jaume DUBOIS @Satyajit Suri @Sarah Farooqi

  • @Jaume DUBOIS @Mauree, Venkatesen @Nyoman Ribeka @Simon Eyre

  • @Martin Karner @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)



  • @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)

Meeting Notes





  • Review pending action items

  • Risk register

@Esther Ogunjimi

 10 minutes

TECH-175: Technical Committee Action ItemsDone

TECH-278: All BB Leads to confirm if data model has been defined for respective BBs.In Progress

TECH-288: Review BB data core model in GithubIn Progress

Technical Risk Register

  • where should the scoping doc be? eMarketplace BB (google doc?)


WG meeting notes


5 minutes

  •  WG meeting notes - Confluence

All BB Leads to publish their meeting notes in Confluence.

  • Development version of spec

Wave 3 should start putting their content in UC template and other example templates. Create GitBook instance for wave 3 BBs - @Steve Conrad

  • review comments of BB specifications

Who will create the Jira issues?

Example Implementations

Soldevelo team

@Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated)

10 minutes

  • What is example implementation?

  • What is the definition of complete for example implementations?

Discussed example implementation and development created based on UC - postpartum UC is ready and USCT is prioritised now.

What example implementation is the right one?

How will the process be organised and know when one is developed?

What is the DoD and completion of example implementation? Who verifies, approves and signs off an example implementation?

Soldevelo is taking lead in developing the example implementation, work will be managed in Jira and will be supported by the BB Leads for domain expertise

Steve - how do we know we have successfully completed an example implementation for a UC?

Is it to define the happy path or have API's defined all the way through from beginning to end through each step?

Is it enough to have a valid methodology that takes us through all the steps in the use cases?

Vijay - suggesting the Soldevelo team to wait on the implementation while MiFOS team is working on the API, so there is API to test for the implementation.

Ingmar - is the example implementation up and running as a mock application in connection to information mediator or not yet?

Steve - the idea of the example implementation is to take a use case and step by step breakdown what are the interactions between the building blocks, which would include information mediator where appropriate, and what are the flows.

The next step is gap analysis to show if we have covered all of this functionality in the various building blocks specs. And if not, then map any new functionality or APIs that need to support this particular use case. And then finally test for compliance in sandbox.

Ramkumar - testing and integration team should be able to qualify API that will be handed over to the sandbox team.

Can we assume that we do not have only one release of this use case implementation - if it improves in future there will be a future release and we could upgrade it but it will require a snapshot that we can work with at a given point in time and remain until all testing is completed.


Demo/walkthrough of the sandbox 

@Jonas Bergmeier @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)

@Artun Gürkan

10+10 minutes

Ramkumar - was the BB Leads and PC involved in developing the UC analysis process?

The building block Leads are the owners of the respective specifications, and what will be implemented will be compliant to the specifications.

Meelis - The work was driven by the team scope of understanding of what should be done.

Jonas - the team is working towards to different goal; the goal of technical sandbox and technical development of the BB, and secondly, working toward practical demo for a non technical person.

Working on updated roadmap and updated product path. The team will be focusing on two deliverable; the meaningful practical demo for a non technical person and sandbox as technical infrastructure.

Proof of concept of GS need to be worked on with the sandbox team. Is the example implementation the proof of GS? what is the scope of this proof of concept?

Because without a readily available BB, a working proof of concept cannot be built.

Steve - how many UC is the sandbox team expected to implement? Will it be same set of UCs or small set of UCs? With which UCs are our work going to overlap and intersect?

Status update

BB Leads

30 minutes

scrum standup-style (what we did this week; plans for next week; blockers/pain points and open/unresolved questions?)


Workflow BB

  • cucumber test - there are sets of tests to check and ensure all responses from APIs provide object that match the schema inside API specification.

Next week

Implementing the functional tests on cumunda, OpenFn and NAN.



  • Continued discussion on new functionalities of IM was rescheduled.

  • Review of changes Soldevelo



  • Working with Soldevelo team to close some tickets in Jira.

Next week

Meeting with other BB Leads to discuss how the API for authentication and give consent for shared data.

Start prototyping by creating user in sandbox.

Parties related to the APIs will be onboarded and authenticated.

Messaging BB

  • Met with Soldevelo team, Rainer and Ramkumar to map out the next step

  • Work on new UC scenario tasks

Next week

To map out minimum set of API for the UC scenarios.


Payment BB

  • Had meeting to discuss G2P UC requirements.

  • Still in the process of refining the web sequence diagrams and integrating the G2P UC from the World Bank team.

  • Get G2P use case might be from the MiFOS team. This will be presented at PC and TC for feedback.


Registration and Digital Registries BB

  • restart work on the missing APIs

Next week

  • First version of the APIs.

BB March release

@Steve Conrad

15 minutes

  • BB specs updates

  • Plan with BB leads on how we are going to address them

  • Agreed on how we want to track these issues.

2023-02-03 - Comments on Current Specification




Information sharing session IDBB with other BBs @Jaume DUBOIS

Meeting Recording


Action Items

Create GitBook instance for wave 3 BB - wave 3 leads
Create review and sign off process for example implementation in Jira @Steve Conrad




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