2023-11-14 Meeting notes

2023-11-14 Meeting notes


Nov 14, 2023


  • @Damian Szafranek

  • @Damian Borowiecki (Deactivated)

  • @Karolina Kopacz (Deactivated)

  • @Łukasz Ruzicki (Deactivated)

  • @Piotr Kabelis (Deactivated)

  • @Steve Conrad

  • @Nico Lueck


In those meetings, we should mainly focus on the Compliance Form development progress.


The purpose of this meeting is to show and validate past sprint increments and determine future adaptations. 

 Discussion topics





Sprint summary and progress on the project

  • Past sprint goal and scope validation 

  • Progress vs set project goals and milestones

Sprint goal:

  • There is a detailed compliance results report for each software.

  • There is a way in the system to start a compliance form.

The sprint goal was not delivered. We are ahead with BE tasks but we are also around 1 day behind the planned schedule with FE tasks.


Sprint outcomes demo

Milestone 1 demo by @Piotr Kabelis (Deactivated)

Questions and comments to the outcomes demo


Necessary adaptions (identify + plan)


Requirements clarification

  1. What should replace “Lorem Ipsum” text on the top of the page?

  2. Email setup - should the address be configured as no-reply?

    1. It should be set to no-reply

  3. Email - logo in the message content to increase credibility.

    1. We should add a logo

  4. Suggestion from last meeting - “Maybe” as an answer in the draft. Is it necessary when we have sections like required, recommended and optional?

  5. govstack Should info panel be also in requirement specification tab? Where “here” link should redirect to?

    1. This should redirect to confluence page

  6. govstack How should we highlight the “Fill in at least 1” field?

    1. Text should be clearer so the user knows what’s expected from him. We could consult it with UI/UX team

  7. Clear form button

    1. We don’t need it for now, it’s enough if it’s possible to unselect a single answer

  8. Deployment compliance - both fields should have link and upload options

Short vision for the next sprint 

Sprint goal:

  • Deployment details are saved in the compliance form.

  • There is a way in the system to get back and edit saved draft.

Additional points:

Mifos circleCI requirements




 Action items

@Steve Conrad Prepare a text to replace “Lorem Ipsum”
@Steve Conrad Create a confluence page with instructions on how to fill out the questionnaire


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