July 21, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes

July 21, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes



  • @Max Carlson from Perth! (Thanks for staying up for the call)

  • @Taylor Downs

  • @Jaume DUBOIS

  • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

  • @Aleksander Reitsakas

  • @Taylor Downs

  • @Mauree, Venkatesen

  • @Jake Watson

Meeting Note







 Mapping Backlog/Roadmap activities to Jira . Map resource needs in all Groups aligned to roadmap, identify common requirements & resources needed


 Normalization of accounts across 10 min Github/Jira/slack/etc

 @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

 working on integration between Jira and GitHub, standardization of naming conventions, etc.

Demo Platform: Review status, roadmap + infra + resource requirements

@Max Carlson @Taylor Downs

  • Sandbox backlog & Roadmap: https://github.com/orgs/GovStackWorkingGroup/projects/3

  • When we say, ‘sandbox’ and ‘demo’, what are we saying? Taylor: We are saying we can deploy some code and let people click around …

  • Use the ‘# demo-deployments’ slack to discuss.

  • we need process to make requests – and have them approved – for demos, given the amount of work to build, deploy and support demos (currently).

  • TestHarness: BB WG Leads need to first write test plan.

Open Issues




Action Items

Jaume has potential volunteers, but he’s unclear what the onboarding process is? @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) to propose guidelines and process to Governance Committee and then implement with Technical Committee.
Who can invite who?
What is the process?
How do we provide access, credentials, etc.?
@PSRAMKUMAR, @Max Carlson , @Jake Watson to work with BB Leads to determine technical staff needs
@Jake Watson to work with GC to define next demo –
We need a process to make requests – and have them approved – for demos, given the amount of work to build, deploy and support demos (currently).
@Esther Ogunjimi (Unlicensed) : Follow up with BB WG Leads to ensure that they have ‘Create Testplan’ issue; @Taylor Downs has the requirements for how and where these should be written (e.g. in markdown, in ‘test’ folder, etc.) – and once complete, assign to tech committee.
@PSRAMKUMAR to make this meeting recurring weekly same time.



  1. We will freeze demo work in favor of having Tech. Committee get the repos, conventions, processes normalized, and helping the BB WG Leads get their backlogs prioritized and sized with technical dependencies identified. We have action item (above) to define next demo (use cases, opportunity).