September 1, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes



  • @Wes Brown

  • @Taylor Downs

  • @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)

  • @Nicki Ashcroft

  • @Esther Ogunjimi

  • @Jaume DUBOIS

  • @Mauree, Venkatesen

  • @Satyajit Suri



Previous Action Items

Action Item

Action Item

@Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) will come up with templates and on-boarding guidelines to make this easier for WG leads Sep 15, 2022
@Jaume DUBOIS to discuss with Maksym (his team has implemented ID and are interested)
@Jake Watson to introduce @Ingmar Vali to Ed Duffus @ OpenCRVS
@Satyajit Suri will work with @Martin Karner team to draft the full APIs, writing cucumber script and convert the test plan into English - to get into the testing pipeline.



Meeting Note







Review pending action items from previous meetings

@Esther Ogunjimi - 10 minutes


Status update from all BB teams

@BB Leads - 5 minutes each

Workflow Update

Workflow Board

  • Specs moved from google doc to markdown.

  • Reviewing the proposed additions/changes to the BB spec v2 - these are not actual implementing changes but these are items that will be addressed through another round of revision.

  • In the process of writing cucumber test. The continuous integration and deployment pipeline for workflow using circuleci.

  • Adding images to specifications is ready on WF backlog.

Consent BB

Consent Board

  • API review and revision is going

  • Drafted test plan

  • Benjamin will be unable to support the group all through September



ID Board

  • Worked and set priorities for the API list

  • Identified additional resources required to complete some tasks on the workplan.

  • There is need to develop some intelligence in the ID BB before the ID provider to ensure; consent has been given for data sharing.

  • There is need to have gateway to inform the ID BB and also to have an individual trusted UI to perform authentication.

Prioritization of APIs for testing pipeline considering Postpartum mother and child care registration use case

@BB Leads - 30 minutes



5 minutes



Meeting recording



Action Items

@Satyajit Suri to meet with @Taylor Downs to validate the test strategy and other BB Leads
Meeting with the architecture team and the consent BB team
Excel summary of all the BB roadmaps to be sent to @PSRAMKUMAR
@PSRAMKUMAR to collate all roadmaps and present an overall map on 08/09/2022
@PSRAMKUMAR to feedback on the outcome of the meeting with consent BB team and architecture team.
Add procurement agenda for the next meeting
Send mail to BB leads to prioritize their first set of test cases based on the use cases and present in the next meeting - @PSRAMKUMAR


