January 5, 2023 Technical Committee Meeting Notes

January 5, 2023 Technical Committee Meeting Notes




Previous Action Items

Action Items

Action Items

All wave 1&2 BB to define their core data model (data structure) in GitBook - @BB Leads
Account mapper keeps the ID with payment discussion will be planned with Jaume (IDV BB) to better understand the API - @Mauree, Venkatesen
Have focus discussion on role based access control for consent BB and feedback to TC - @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)
BB Leads to make a list of existing specification in terms of functionalities (which are the APIs that should be demonstrated) - make a list of what to work on in the specification - send to Ramkumar
Collaborate on level 2 testing - @Taylor Downs @PSRAMKUMAR @Aleksander Reitsakas @Ingmar Vali


Meeting Notes





  • Review pending action items

  • Risk register

@Esther Ogunjimi

10 minutes

Technical Risk Register

Compliance concept

@Nico Lueck

15 minutes

Software Compliance Concept

API Testing Frontend/UX

@Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated)

15 minutes

API Testing UX

API Testing Status

@Steve Conrad

@Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated)

5 minutes

API Testing - status across BBs

Process for rework of non-functional requirements

@Steve Conrad

10 minutes


Sprint review/scrum-of-scrums

  • Progress update and backlog review from each BB lead

  • Update from SolDevelo team

  • Update from Testing team

@Steve Conrad

@BB Leads

@Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated)

@Satyajit Suri

30 minutes



Meeting Recording



Action Items


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