March 16, 2023 Technical Committee Meeting Note


@Steve Conrad @Farina Owusu @Aleksander Reitsakas @Jonas Bergmeier @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) @Nico Lueck @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated) @Wes Brown @Valeria Tafoya @Paweł Gesek @Tarek Rashed @Kibuuka, Arnold @Ingmar Vali @Taylor Downs @Artun Gürkan @Uwe Wahser




@Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated)






  • Review pending action items

  • Review Risk register

@Esther Ogunjimi

 10 minutes

@PSRAMKUMAR will have initial review of the data structure w/c Mar 13, 2023

  1. The future development and key decisions sessions of the wave 1 & 2 specification should be moved to Confluence. Link to the template


Status update

BB Leads

@Paweł Gesek @Valeria Tafoya

35 minutes

Scrum standup-style (what we did this week; plans for next week; blockers/pain points and open/unresolved questions?)


  • Specification 1.0 publication

    • Taylor - is the UI in GitBook the source of truth or spec in markdown?

  • GIS BB -

    • Finalising specification section 6 - key functions and then start working on service API.


  • USCT use case definition

    • A new version is published and working through workflow use case.


  • Testing

    • Working on the app and testing. Rapping up the result page for the app (this shows the summary of the list of tests, tests that passed, and tests that did not pass).

    • Set up automated deployment for detail scenario - using a Git based solution but might want to consider docker hub in future.

    • Working on IM test to match the testing template

    • Waiting for Messaging BB to onboard additional resources before starting testing.

    • Waiting for ID BB for the flows

    • Setup configuration guide is published in Confluence. This contains instructions on how to set the circle ci org.

Questions from USCT Sandbox Implementation

@Steve Conrad

15 minutes

Key Questions:

  • Should workflow BB be used for internal business logic? When? (@Taylor Downs )

    • Taylor - trying to drive at candidate application and BB specification.

  • Digital registries vs external databases


  • Authentication/login/session management and RBAC - where is this managed?




20 minutes





Testing with IM



  • How we should implement it?

  • When we should do it?

  • Who should do it?


Review Risk Register


15 minutes


Meeting recording


Action items
