September 22, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes



  • @Satyajit Suri

  • @Wes Brown

  • @nashcroft (Unlicensed)

  • @Jaume DUBOIS

  • @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)

  • @Jake Watson

  • @Esther Ogunjimi

  • @Steve Conrad

  • @Taylor Downs

  • @Ingmar Vali

  • @Nico Lueck

Previous Action Items

Action Item

Action Item

Meeting with the architecture team and the consent BB team Sep 15, 2022 - @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)PENDING
@PSRAMKUMAR to feedback on the outcome of the meeting with consent BB team and architecture team Sep 15, 2022PENDING
@Satyajit Suri to confirm from Registration BB Lead @Ingmar Vali if the APIs are GovStack open APIs and integration ticket pending
Send mail to BB leads to prioritize their first set of test cases based on the use cases and present in the next meeting - @PSRAMKUMARONGOING
@PSRAMKUMAR to set up meeting with @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) , @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated), and other BB leads that might be interest - how to use Gitbook.
All BB leads to imports all specifications and other docs from google drive to Gitbook Sep 30, 2022ONGOING


Meeting Notes





Pending action items review

@Esther Ogunjimi

10 minutes


Steve - Fineract may provide a good model. All issues are in Jira (including all technical issues). The issues tab is actually hidden on their GitHub repo. There is a Jira/GitHub plugin so that any PRs tagged with the issue number in Jira will be linked to that issue.


Registration BB: it is easier to develop their cucumber script and test their APIs.


Jake - suggested We should take a look at the BB test plan as the acceptance criteria will need to be put into the use case definition, which will affect the BB.

Sierra Leone will soon be participating in the technical group.

Review roadmap


30 minutes

BBgroups_Roadmap_consolidated (1).xlsx

Resource mapping


20 minutes

All BB leads to complete column C & D on the HR worksheet on BBgroups_Roadmap_consolidated (1).xlsx

Status update

BB Leads

20 minutes

Registration and Digital Registry BB

  • Met with IDV BB team on integrate identity verification external services and how to communicate with MOSIP system. There is set of use cases to work with and expecting more information before moving into testing.

  • Met with payment BB and there was request to build database for payment BB/registry. Demo registry was used to build payment registry, it will be reviewed with the payment BB.



  • Had first demo session ID BB developed by MOSIP, it include the open ID connect bridge. It is already useable to perform authentication and attribute to share with third party - you can authenticate using MOSIP give consent to share attribute.

  • Following up with Open wallet initiative as they are building tool kit for wallet open source.

  • All customization will be maintained by MOSIP team.

  • Will be leveraging system integrator to build demo to be maintained by GS and not depending on MOSIP.


Workflow BB

  • The BBs spec was presented to RISA (a London information service) who is exploring GS model.

  • Rwanda is interested in workflow engine to digitalize the rest of their services with focus on API.

Jake - we need to refer back to the framework as a guiding principle when engaging with countries.

Ingmar - the requirement for the registration BB includes the business process workflow for CE - how to link together different screens, and how to build the workflow


Consent BB

  • Concluding with writing API

  • Looking forward to new resources joining



  • Will be working with each BB leads to prioritize their APIs. Then put together the test use case for the postpartum use case with all the APIs and lead with a cucumber script. These will happen with other BB test.


  • Migration to GovStack OneDrive



  • Prototype hosting






  • Nico

10 minutes





All documents from Google drive is now migrated to GovStack OneDrive .



Is the prototype used? If yes, can it be migrated to digital ocean or other cloud provider?


Jake - identify the use cases we are trying to demonstrate, and what data do we need?

The demo environment / sandbox they will need the requirements, stories and data that support the stories to do the demo.

We have to build the test first, as it is ongoing with the test driven development before deploying products.


Ramkumar - Digital ocen continues as BAU. Taylor and Aleksander to oversee digital ocean.


Meeting Recording


Action Item

Meeting with the architecture team and the consent BB team Sep 15, 2022 - @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)PENDING
API test script to be added to TC home page
All BB leads yet to, should write their test plan and to @Taylor Downs and @PSRAMKUMAR (architecture team) to review and sign off.
@Taylor Downs to outline what should be in the English test plan
All BB leads to complete column C & D on the HR worksheet on BBgroups_Roadmap_consolidated (1).xlsx
Discuss with Rachel on the GitHub and Jira workflow and sync
Have a working session on how to use Jira and confluence
Meeting with BB leads to discuss business process requirement for country engagement - @PSRAMKUMAR
@Taylor Downs to introduce consent team to Tom (Rwanda lead)
Prioritize APIs - @Satyajit Suri
Scheduling to send API to Satya
Backup the data in digital ocean - @Aleksander Reitsakas and @Taylor Downs to support in overseeing



  1. Migrating all work from GitHub into Jira. Jira will now be GovStack issue management tool.