August 18, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes


Action Item

Action Item

Add test approach doc and architecture template to the tech c’ttee page - @Esther Ogunjimi
Put together the decision for voting on the Aug 18, 2022 - @Meeting Lead
@Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) will come up with templates and on-boarding guidelines to make this easier for WG leads like Jaume
Make sure each BB has APIs defined @BB Leads
Create test plan for deployment, APIs, and FRs -@BB Leads
Collect example applications and/or set up mock application - @BB Leads
Spike testing see workflow CI/CD testing - @BB Leads
Post a recurring meeting on the Technical Committee page - @Esther Ogunjimi
 @Jaume DUBOIS and @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) will collaborate outside of the meeting


  • Motion to move from Google Meet to Jisti from @Max Carlson , seconded by @Taylor Downs