August 25, 2022 Technical Committee Meeting Notes


  •  Aare Lapõnin (in for Taylor Downs)

  • @Jake Watson


  • @Wes Brown

  • @Aleksander Reitsakas

  • @Jaume DUBOIS

  • @Ingmar Vali

  • @nashcroft (Unlicensed)

  • @Eskandar, Hani

  • @Satyajit Suri



Previous Action Items

Action Item

Action Item

Add test approach doc and architecture template to the tech c’ttee page - @Esther Ogunjimi
Put together the decision for voting on the Aug 18, 2022 - @Meeting Lead
@Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) will come up with templates and on-boarding guidelines to make this easier for WG leads like Jaume
Make sure each BB has APIs defined @BB Leads
Create test plan for deployment, APIs, and FRs -@BB Leads
Collect example applications and/or set up mock application - @BB Leads
Spike testing see workflow CI/CD testing - @BB Leads
Post a recurring meeting on the Technical Committee page - @Esther Ogunjimi
 @Jaume DUBOIS and @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) will collaborate outside of the meeting as regards inviting contributors.


Meeting Notes





Review action items pending from previous meetings

@Esther Ogunjimi



Update work progress in respective groups in last two weeks




BB Leads




@Taylor Downs @Max Carlson

20 minutes


  • The target is to deliver APIs that will offer identity related services to GS independently from the ID providers ecosystem and design choice of countries.

  • Get ready for integration with other BB

  • ID verification service will move to OpenID connect.

  • Having great contribution from MOSIP

Priorities for Q4

  • Spec & APIs

  • Demo & sandbox

  • ID provider implementation

  • Community development.


Registration & Digital Registry

  • Demo postponed until there are real use cases

  • Will be collaborating with Maksym team for real use cases

Priorities for Q4

  • Sanity check from Dail use cases

  • Describe new API

  • Sanity check with real use cases

  • Continue with demo prototype (TBD)

There will be real use cases coming from Rwanda in the next 4 weeks



Information Mediator BB

  • Working on demo & sandbox

  • Postpartum uses case is implemented in a difference environment and there is need to have a separate instance for other use cases so as not to break the use cases already running in demo.


Workflow BB

  • Using cucumber for testing . see Taylor’s update here


Payment BB

Finalizing the list of APIs

Present list of APIs needed for each BB. Converge on first set of APIs across BBs needed to take up registration use case for post-partum use case.

BB Leads

20 minutes

Registration BB

Most of the work will be done by the UI so there are limited APIs and it is designed as a no code solution. List of identified APIs here



List of APIs here


Payment BB

@Satyajit Suri will work with @Martin Karner team to draft the full APIs, writing cucumber script and convert the test plan into English - to get into the testing pipeline.

Present proposed work to enhance of BB specifications, if any

BB Leads

20 minutes

Payment BB

Present resource requirements for proposed activities above

BB and Tech Leads

20 minutes



Action Items

@Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) will come up with templates and on-boarding guidelines to make this easier for WG leads Sep 15, 2022
@Jaume DUBOIS to discuss with Maksym (his team has implemented ID and are interested)
@Jake Watson to introduce @Ingmar Vali to Ed Duffus @ OpenCRVS
@Satyajit Suri will work with @Martin Karner team to draft the full APIs, writing cucumber script and convert the test plan into English - to get into the testing pipeline.

