2023-06-28 - Product Committee

2023-06-28 - Product Committee


Jun 28, 2023



Meeting Recording

Recording URL:

 Discussion topics









Review Action Items


5 min


Sector Survey

@Wes Brown

5 min

Original Survey: https://www.govstack.global/2023usecases/

GovStack Survey: survey

Added by @Shukla, Ayush Survey is published, please access the same here.

Ayush to follow up with Comms Team to push this more broadly

Wave 3 BB Use Cases


15 min


  • WG are in the process of migrating content from their preferred working environment to Gitbook

  • GIS and eMarketplace groups already transitioned first content to Gitbook

Decision: BB use cases will be stored in BB GitHub Repos and then linked to from other locations

Use Case Review

@Wes Brown

10 min

Tracking Use Cases: Use Case Discussions

Goals for the 23Q3 Publication

  • 10+ use cases

  • 3-4 sectors

  • Contributions from country and/or community of practice

Potential Use Cases


Next Meeting




Priority Use Case Sectors

@Wes Brown

5 min

Next Steps

  1. Get feedback from survey

    1. Try to identify use cases that will highlight the value of the GovStack approach

  2. Identify potential use cases in each sector

    1. Find volunteers to analyze sectors and identify potential use cases

  3. Decide on which use cases to prioritize for the next (post-1.0) publication

  4. Present use case in GC get it approved

  5. Launch the campaign

Meeting Note Rotation



GIZ, Estonia, Dial (for Estonia), ITU

 Action items

@Wes Brown to set up discussion (on GC?) around documents like GERA. These should likely not be considered part of the core “products” but need to find out where they fit
@PSRAMKUMAR to gather wave 3 BB use cases and share at upcoming PC


BB use cases will be stored in BB GitHub Repos and then linked to from other locations