2023-05-31 - Product Committee

2023-05-31 - Product Committee


May 31, 2023


  • @Wes Brown

  • @Nico Lueck

  • @Shukla, Ayush


  • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

  • @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)

  • @Sarah Farooqi

  • @Sherman Kong

  • @Farina Owusu

Meeting Recording

Recording URL: Product Committee Meetings-20230531_091411-Meeting Recording.mp4

 Discussion topics









Review Action Items


5 min

  • @PSRAMKUMAR has sent out a note to WGs, will share an on wave 3 BB use cases update next week. Can they deposit the use cases on confluence instead of Gitbook

Conference Update

@Meelis Zujev (Deactivated)


GovStack presented by @Margus Mägi and @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) on Sandbox. https://2023.egovconference.ee/

  • Common question: How do we join GovStack and where do we start.

    • @Meelis Zujev (Deactivated) Post your issue, business request and we followup

      • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) Best way to ensure we attend to interest is by ensuring that there are Jira issues that we can address.

  • Currently website is outdated as Wave 2 BBs not included.

  • Release of documents presented.

  • GovStack well received

Sandbox Use Cases

@Wes Brown


Current priorities are:

  1. Unconditional Social Cash Transfer

  2. Construction Permit (Djibouti)

  3. EPR (Rwanda) - Is this still a priority?

    1. We haven’t heard that there is a priority from the country for a demo for this use case

Potential Upcoming Priorities:

  • High-School Certificates (Somalia)

  • Healthcare

Even though this is likely a ways off (Sept-ish), are their use cases or sectors we would likely to prioritize next?


Sector Survey

@Wes Brown

5 min

GovStack 2023 Use Case Focus

Question: @Shukla, Ayush What use cases can we have in Digital Data and tech and Sustainable infrastructure?

@Wes Brown categories came from Digital Impact exchange. They were sources from GIZ

@Sarah Farooqi GIZ provided a master list of sectors a couple of years ago. We can work on the sectors, add and remove a few. Specialy the one suggested by @Margus Mägi that couldn’t fit into any specific sector.

As per the May-22 GC, this survey is being handled by the comms huddle

  • Ayush: This survey uploaded on GovStack’s website for users to provide input and feedback on which surveys to prioritize

    • Wes: Some of the sectors listed on the Exchange and on survey monkey are missing from the link Ayush shared.

  • Ayush will replicate sectors, and update website. (https://www.govstack.global/2023usecases/)

  • Survey is good to go from Product committee!!!!!

Update on Compliance Concept

@Nico Lueck


Presenting recent version 0.3 of the compliance concept, new evaluations and guide to conduct API testing

Software Compliance Concept

Regular updates on compliance

  • After speaking with more technical folk and country engement folk, we have refined the categories of compliance, included value proposition

  • @PSRAMKUMAR Can we provide guidance on the following:

    • Functional compliance

    • Adapter compliance

@Nico Lueck this version, I have left it out, if one or more API specs are met, its good.

@PSRAMKUMAR in Arch specs, we talk of staged approach

Next Steps

  • Rachel: Need a team to manage this and help groups with the compliance process?

  • Rachel: Set up Jira project to manage applicants

  • General: Jira project, process walk-through, move confluence page to top-level, reference process on main web site

Next Meeting




GovStack UI (May-31)



Possible Mobile App Features

@Jaume DUBOIS absent, to be discussed later

Togo Feedback (May-31)



@Jaume DUBOIS absent, to be discussed later

Potential Security BB

@Margus Mägi


“EE GOV agency and they have an actual idea what security BB”

Wave 3 BB Use Cases



  • @PSRAMKUMAR has sent out a note to WGs, will share an on wave 3 BB use cases update next week. Can they deposit the use cases on confluence instead of Gitbook

    • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) the earlier they start with Gitbook the better because we then can record, recognise and reward work. Rachel can work with WGs if they need assistance.

    • @Wes Brown Confluence may have a lower barrier to entry for WGs.

    • Proposal: Gitbook to be used

Priority Use Case Sectors

@Wes Brown

5 min

Next Steps

  1. Get feedback from survey

    1. Try to identify use cases that will highlight the value of the GovStack approach

  2. Identify potential use cases in each sector

    1. Find volunteers to analyze sectors and identify potential use cases

  3. Decide on which use cases to prioritize for the next (post-1.0) publication

  4. Present use case in GC get it approved

  5. Launch the campaign

Meeting Note Rotation



GIZ, Estonia, Dial, ITU (for GIZ)

 Action items

@Wes Brown track work for Release (Publication) Notes to go with the 1.0 publication
@Wes Brown to set up discussion (on GC?) around documents like GERA. These should likely not be considered part of the core “products” but need to find out where they fit
@Jaume DUBOIS to create a few slides to document ideas for a GovStack mobile app and update on togo trip
@PSRAMKUMAR to gather wave 3 BB use cases and share at upcoming PC (next week)



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