Market Linkage | @Sainabou Jallow | 15 min | Market Linkage Use Case review: GitBook Content is taken from a use case on the Digital Impact Exchange It is set in the agricultural sector and links buyers and farmers to ease the access of information, products
Discussion Q by Margus: What is the value for central government? This kind of platform is similar to a procurement platform. The Ministry of Agriculture could also be the beneficiary of such a use case. Is it planned to broaden the scope and include other procurement areas? A by Sainabou: The platform is supposed to include information of weather forecasts, pesticide use, etc. Margus: It would be valuable to broaden it to a more general procurement platform. Taylor: Market linkage and a procurement platform (similar to the UK platform) should be considered as two separate projects. Sarah: The challenges in procurement differ across sectors. Market linkage is one of the important topics within digital agriculture. Proposes to take this up again and include Wes on the conversation. Margus: Procurement use case would be practical and is a request from many countries, the need is there. Transparent procurement and good governance are connected. Proposes to include a public procurement use case that is cross sectoral Meelis: Supports Margus idea, would advise to start with a small scale procurement platform, focused on one sector.
Next meeting: Discussion on use case steps: Margus: user profile account might not be necessary if the data can be pulled during the registration process with digiID For following use cases a disclaimer should be included that data for login can be pulled and linked with national login schemes Section 6 - on platform communication From @Margus Mägi , how does this relate to e-marketplace? From @Taylor Downs , agreed - insofar as eMarketplace continues to exist as an appropriately scoped govstack BB, it will likely be one of the BBs that’s used to deliver a Market Linkages solution.
Section 9 - @Taylor Downs notes that all payment stuff is “out of scope” for eMarketplace. Delivery of goods also?
At the hour mark now… Additional Inputs? |