September 21, 2023 Technical Committee Meeting Note

September 21, 2023 Technical Committee Meeting Note







Review pending action items

 @Esther Ogunjimi

 10 minutes




  • Consent BB (3)

  • IM BB (1)

  • ID BB (2)

  • Messaging BB (2)

  • Steve to follow up with Consent and ID and verify the remaining 2 issues for Messaging


TECH-670: Candidate ProductsDone

  • Scheduler BB

  • Payment BB

  • Messaging BB

  • ID BB

  • Digital Registration BB


TECH-742: TC Action Items - From 08.06.2023In Progress

  • These are longer term roadmap items, so Steve is going to close out

Status Update


30 minutes


Issues to be addressed for release are tracked here: https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/UX/issues/TECH-825

Kenya roadshow debrief

@Wes Brown

 15 minutes

Key takeaways.

Please add insights/takeaways from Egypt and Kenya sessions in these documents:

Egypt Deep Dive Takeaways

Kenya Roadshow Takeaways

Suggestions on Future Priorities

@Steve Conrad

I5 minutes

What should GovStack should be focusing on post September release.

Laurence: 1. Testing with in-country advisory teams

  1.  Open the working group and scale the patterns - intentional engagements with different groups to provide feedback and updates to the specs

Aleks: Issues with sandbox and missing/incorrect APIs that prevent them from implementing the use cases

  • Need clearer guidance on functional ID and SSO - architecture team should talk about this

  • David: How do we engage with countries that already have some infrastructure in place - how do we work within that existing tooling?

    • Create some kind of documentation on migration from existing systems into the GovStack paradigm

    • Additional work needed for P2G use cases.

  • Smita: ID BB is working on some guidance on functional ID/SSO. Sandbox team has a use case that they need to present to ID & TC for validation.

    • How does Account Mapper functionality in Payments connect with ID BB? Account mapper should use functional IDs and provide access to different oracles/lookups. Specs for account mapper will be in next release.

  • Taylor: We need to understand the gaps between the current specs/tests and real world requirements - need to create adaptors, onboard DPGs


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