February 2, 2023 Technical Committee Meeting Notes


  • @Kibuuka, Arnold @Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated) @Wes Brown @Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated)

  • @Taylor Downs @Aleksander Reitsakas @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) @nashcroft (Unlicensed)

  • @Satyajit Suri @Paweł Gesek @Nyoman Rebeka @Jake Watson

  • @Damian Borowiecki (Deactivated) @Esther Ogunjimi




  • @Tarek Rashed

Meeting Notes





  • Review pending action items

  • Risk register

@Esther Ogunjimi

 10 minutes

TECH-175: Technical Committee Action ItemsDone

TECH-278: All BB Leads to confirm if data model has been defined for respective BBs.In Progress

TECH-288: Review BB data core model in GithubIn Progress

Technical Risk Register


  • Status update

BB Leads

30 minutes

  • scrum standup-style (what we did this week; plans for next week; blockers/pain points and open/unresolved questions?)

Workflow BB

This week

  • Finalised data update to the open API spec to bring them closer to BPMM.

  • Cucumber test ongoing and will be updated based on changes to API spec.

Plan for next week

find the priority for next week in sprint 4 bb-workflow Board



  • completion of the global test runner module

  • finalisation of mark implementation



This week

  • Discussing new functionality i.e service buzz/API gateway/adaptor

Plan for next week

  • Continue to discuss new functionality i.e service buzz/API gateway/adaptor


Consent BB

This week

  • Coordination of workflow between ID BB and other BB

  • Onboarding new members

Plan for next week

  • Finalising gherkin scenario with consent service API

  • Configuration API



This week

  • Releasing some guidance and share recommendations.

Plan for next week

  • Meet with other BB Leads and WGs


Schedular BB

Gherkin was developed for one API and tested.


SoDevelo team

This week

  • Finalise test configuration for ID BB

  • Technical review was finalised.

  • Working on IM BB APIs.

  • Finalised configuration for circleci.

  • Started work on the backend of the testing hub.


Plan for next week

  • Working on frontend of the app that was presented at the last meeting.

  • APIs

  • Supporting BBs to define APIs and documentation.



  • Blocked by the the review from the BB side - still waiting for the review

  • IM BB to create PR


Payment BB

This week

  • Working on gherkin script for unconditional social cash transfer.

  • Identifying the next UC that can be implemented for G2P payment.

  • Discussing vouchers UC flow with other BBs.


Plan for next week

  • Working on gherkin script for unconditional social cash transfer.

  • Identifying the next UC that can be implemented for G2P paymen

  • Mapping out how payment details will be sent to payment BB from Registration BB


Testing team

This week

  • Coordinating roadmap alignment with new partners.


Plan for next week

  • Populate Jira backlog and define sprints for USCP use case with Sandbox team and new partners.



BB leads on BB integration/flow

@Ain Aaviksoo (Deactivated) @Aleksander Reitsakas @Taylor Downs @Steve Conrad

20 minutes

  • recap

  • broader questions raised

  • next steps

Find the meeting notes here BB Interaction Flow

Ain - Is service registries part of IM and required? Will this be a non functional requirement for the service registries to be handled in a certain way?

Park (BB integration/flow) conversation under the assumption that it be under one feature that will be validated during any validation solution. But it will be that a BB could not move forward before it is fully resolved.

This topic will be revisited at the time of testing.



It is 100% required that any candidate application be compatible with our Information Mediator architecture. To be compatible as candidate application, open API must be provided spec to get to compliance.



Both ID and Consent BB require interaction with end user, there is UI component there for authentication - this a blocker for IM scheme of testing.

Development version of spec - GitBook

WG meeting notes - Confluence


5 minutes






Meeting Recording



Action Items

@Aleksander Reitsakas to create PR for SoDevelo team to review
Create a Jira ticket for BB coordination. This ticket will be closed when second level testing is available



