2022-12-19 Governance Committee Meeting


  • @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) @Arielle Diamond @Eskandar, Hani @Sherman Kong (Unlicensed) @Nico Lueck @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) @Shukla, Ayush @Sarah Farooqi @Steve Conrad @Andrea Donath @Esther Ogunjimi



@Sarah Fischer

 Meeting minutes

Presentation: GC Meeting 2022-12-19




Notes, decisions and action items




Notes, decisions and action items

Highlight of the week / month

  • Advisory Board Meeting

  • December 1st Event BMZ

  • SDG Investment Framework Spanish Version

  • Internet Governance Forum




Country Engagement Activities, GovStack Implementation and Git Book Analytics

  •  Country engagement documentation in Jira + Confluence 

  • Update HoA

  • Update Rwanda

  • Update Ukraine

 Yolanda, Ayush


 •Country engagement documentation in Jira + Confluence 

•Engagement roadmap – Jira 

•Country profiles & meeting notes – Confluence 

EPR Service Design Proposal under validation 

•Architecture workshops planned for Jan – Feb 2023, expected outcome is co-define documentation requirements for product & tech specs 

•Regulatory workshop Feb 2023 

•HoA Request for information forms (5) to be updated with CIVITA Input 

•Djibouti missions planned for Jan & Feb 2023 – As-Is & To-Be user journeys @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) and Siri to finalise dates with EU

GovStack implementation playbook under TAC Review

•Tender on GovStack 60 eLearning courses kicked off 

•WSIS Special Price Save Date sent – Time and date to be confirm in the incoming days 

•Ukraine finalised contract for fit-gap analysis – first results expected in January 





Building blocks – Product & technical committee 

  • Compliance Process on the way

@Nico Lueck


•Working group developed a first draft on confluence

•Suggestion on what will be put on our website in the short-term will follow in the next weeks

Sandbox progress

@Nico Lueck


No updates this week


@Eskandar, Hani



  • ITU Tender committee approval completed for:

    •Information mediator 

    •Identity & verification 


  • Initial intro session with service providers Dec 2022

    Contract signature Jan 2023 

    Formal kick off with contract singed Jan 2023 

  • Upcoming RFP for Consent BB

  • Clarification that all tenders are based on GovStack Specifications

eService - USe Case Pipeline for the to-be user journeys ready to be developed



  • G2P – MIFOS, G2P community, Cash Transfer Payment – Mid Jan 2023

  •     Service team - Working group of payments, MIFOS, G2P, Wess, Nico, Ramkumar 

  • EPR – Rwanda – Jan 2023

  • Service team – Country Engagement - Concord, YM, Garam, Ingmar, Wess, Nico, Ramkumar 

  • Constructions Permits – Feb 2023

  • eCabinet - Feb 2023

Community Building and overall resourcing

  • Community Onboarding needed

  • Reading: Meeting the needs of GovStack community members – a strategy for community growth

 @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)


  • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) circulated the strategy for community growth and asked for feedback till the 13th January 2022


  • Results of the Comms Survey

  • End of the year communication

@Arielle Diamond




@Arielle Diamond prepares end of the year communication

Presentation of DIAL catalog

@Sarah Farooqi @Steve Conrad


@Sarah Farooqi and @Steve Conrad circulate the presentation and set up meeting for deep dive. Questions:

  • How is this different to other repositories in the ecosystem? We continue to work very closely with DPGA, WHO Digital Health Atlas, IADB, and have connected with others such as UNDP’s Digital X and other initiatives. We have consensus and agreement with different initiatives that all of the repositories are complementary and not competitive – and as a “Catalog of catalogs” we are simply aggregating relevant information and keeping it consistent with the language of our framework. We recognize that we need to do work to clarify the unique value proposition of the many initiatives, and hope to tackle this together in the new year.

  • How can we do make sure that we don’t give the impression that DIAL is endorsing these products? From our perspective, we have worked to present the data traceability of all content. If any entry in the data is endorsed, maintained, or promoted by any of our source organizations, we display that information within the Catalog. This allows the platform to remain neutral but also expose relevant endorsements or accreditations. Any mappings we are doing ourselves as stated as “beta”.

  • How will we do the compliance? We will work with the GovStack testing team and can show compliance of different products to various building blocks that are measured by the automated testing process (as well as any other processes that are developed by Nico and the compliance team). We have started having the discussion on how we can automate information or evaluations as documented here and here. This is going to be the topic for our next reference group meeting as well. Please let me know if you would like to take part in this discussion and we can extend the invitation to anyone from this group who would be interested in joining.

  • Partnerships/linkages – as part of our platform restructuring, the Catalog will look very different with a new branding and landing page. The architecture also allows for white labeling – in case other actors want to host their own instances of all or partial data powered by the global platform.