2022-07-11 Governance Committee Meeting



  • @Jake Watson

  • @PSRAMKUMAR - Ramkumar

  • @Sarah Fischer

  • @Yolanda Martínez (Unlicensed)

  • @Martha Mundas

  • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

  • @Arielle Diamond

  • @Niharika Gujela

  • @Nino

  • @Nicki

  • @Esther Ogunjimi


Meeting Chair - @Sherman Kong (Unlicensed)








Review action items from last week meeting

@Sherman Kong (Unlicensed)

Reviewed action items and marked the items that are completed. Future forward items are parked.

Check-in on consolidation of material from Berlin and needed transcription

GIZ @Nino

Presentations were populated onto the template shared, while other s uploaded their presentation decks to the space created on the GIZ Teams.

The materials will be reviewed at the next meeting as there was no quorum.

Confirmation on tooling

GIZ @Sarah Fischer

Slack doesn't support GIZ IT policy and Teams is not supported by the Estonia IT policy. Trying to find a middle ground with tools that we will be making use of going forward.

Readout and decision points on Technical committee meetings in Berlin

DIAL @Jake Watson



























@Yolanda Martínez (Unlicensed)













  • Specification development needs to be treated as software development - the work will be broken down into tickets, issues and stories etc.

  • The working group needs to prioritize the issues and start running in sprints. This will give an overview of the amount of work required to complete the tasks.

  • The team needs to be organized differently going forward.

  • Some of the working group leads are not technical leads but also a product owner. While some are not technical leads at all.

  • As the country engagement progresses, the working group leads need to be part of the product committee - it is part of the connection where the country requirement is going to come in, the 80/20 rule of use cases will be discussed. Most important, it will provide context to to the work they are doing.

  • The technical group asks for more people. This will be addressed after the deliverables for the rest of the year 2022 are captured into Jira - the tasks will be sized and prioritized. Then, the GC will review the work for the rest of 2022, support in prioritizing and determine where to invest time. Working in sprints will help the technical group to be focused.

  • For demo, it needs more of planning and coordination. That is not existing at the moment. This will happen during the product committee session and define what the goals and success look like for the demo.

  • All working group meetings will be merged into one; so as to have a productive and data driven meeting using Jira.

  • Common resource pool - hands on technical skills to support various BB.

  • To accelerate the work on the backlog (when we have pool of issues on the backlog), we can source for volunteers - as they will have visibility of the work they might be interested in doing. An alternative is to go the outsource route which has a broad range of skills.




  • It is unacceptable to have the tac panelist reviewing typos and misspelling which has been the case.

  • Quality assurance process should be introduced during the sprints. The documents must be perfect for the panelist to review and have comments on quality in terms of functionality, added value as countries will now be part of the panelist. QA should be put into consideration as the TOR of incoming bids will be reviewed - all paid working group leads must deliver a quality document.

  • Ensuring the panelist sessions are value adding to the participants.

  • All lessons learnt form previous sessions will be used for continuous improvement.



  • Groups to start meeting this week, picking up from the workshop, maturing the milestone and roadmaps.

Licensing and contribution agreement status

DIAL @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)









@Yolanda Martínez (Unlicensed)

  • To be able to take contributions from people, the risk associated with it must me managed.

  • There is need for contributor license agreement - to know where the content that will be given is from and that they are licensed to give it to us.

  • Expectations need to be set on how the content we are producing can be reused by others

  • We have a license agreement that our lawyer put together

  • The system keeps the record of the people that have signed the agreement and those that have not.


Trademark is ready for comment and iteration.

Comms readout

DIAL @Arielle Diamond






@Yolanda Martínez (Unlicensed)

  • Starting next iteration of GovStack.global - with focus on UX

  • Going through the old website wish list document, input from everyone to gather the requirement for the new website.

  • Digital leaders forum pages is live




  • Call for expert is extended to Jul 29, 2022 . Wave 3 BB working group will start Sep 1, 2022.

  • Regional coordinators are mapping the CIO global directory, each according to the region their responsible for. They are mapping open source communities with the countries they will be engaging with and women in tech; so as to have equal women engagement in the technical working groups.

  • The first version of the mapping is Jul 26, 2022 and the objective is to publish .

Partner engagement e.g., Ukraine in CE playbook

GIZ @Sarah Fischer

Structure the way partners will participate and contribute.



Initiating risk register and management

DIAL @Esther Ogunjimi

Reopen risk register and review strategic risk at the GC meeting

Include InterAmerican Development Bank in Advisory Board

GIZ @Sarah Fischer

Adding them will add new perspective


Action Item







Review Berlin presentation materials and agree on next step


Jul 17, 2022

Follow up with anyone that hasn’t uploaded their presentation material


Jul 18, 2022

Get the actions from the presentations into Jira ticket - the responsible person for the section takes up the next step in Jira and other can add their to do


Jul 18, 2022

Summarize all the presentations and agree on the next step



Follow up tooling discussion

@Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)


Jake to sync with Max on meeting structure moving forward

@Jake Watson

Jul 18, 2022

@Esther Ogunjimi

Jul 18, 2022

@Jake Watson @PSRAMKUMAR



Jul 11, 2022

All partners






  1. Have a monthly town hall meeting for the larger community to share meeting outcomes and next steps - date and time yet to be agreed.
  2. Wave 3 BB Leads should start with the new framework (tooling) and not google doc.
  3. Putting in structure to have quality gates, to refine the documents of the working group leads.
  4. Forward looking, have tech writer/QA support
  5. Add InterAmerican Development Bank in Advisory Board