2023-08-21 Governance Committee Meeting

Particularities of this meeting:

This edition of the GC meeting will only last 60 min, the last 30 min of the meeting will be dedicated to the decision on if and how to publish a new version of the SDG Framework



GIZ (moderator): @Sarah Fischer @Max Schumann @Nico Lueck @Farina Owusu @Puja Raghavan

DIAL: @Wes Brown @Jake Watson @Sarah Farooqi @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

EE: @Margus Mägi

0. Celebrate





Egypt Deep Dive

  • Happening currently in Egypt

GovStack Kenya Roadshow

  • 29-31st August, Nairobi

  • Full 3 day event

  • Over 100 participants expected from public and private sector

  • GovStack Sandbox Demonstration

  • Focus: Open source and DPI in Government

1. GovStack Roadmap

May2023JunJulAugSepOctNovDec2023Q3 Pub1.0 Pub

Wave 3 Initial Publication

Wave 1 & 2 Updates

Sandbox && BB Development (IM, Payment, ID, IM)

Research Strategy

Women in GovStack Challenge 23-24

eCab, Const P, CMS, Open Call for DPGs, KCMS Hack

Playbook, Website

S9.3 EPR - DPG Selection

GovStack Deliverables Workshop .pptx (sharepoint.com)


2. Priority Discussions





Update Sustainability Process by @Max Schumann

  • Sustainable future model of GovStack not only how a legal home might look like but also the workings and its governance.

  • Interviews with Estonia, DIAL and ITU have happenned, internal round within GIZ going to happen soon.

  • Short report from these Interviews, highlighting the perceptions, visions and models put forward, challenges, chances and send it here.

  • After high level recommendations from Heath and report based on Interviews, process for design to clarify and design, underlying questions we have before going into specific design of the future model. Includes, legal body, broader governance cooperation questions.

  • @Wes Brown High level recommendations from Heath should be potentially received this week.

  • For potential Legal options and assessments an external consultant for it.

Tallinn Digital Summit Update

  • GovStack have side event, 1 Day event this year,

  • 2 hour session from 13:15 to 15:15 pm.

  • 3 panels: Panel 1- Introduction about GovSTack, DPI ecosystem, by Nele and Doreen from ITU, not confirmed yet; Panel 2- panel on DPI and DPG, moderated by GIZ or BMZ, tbd person who moderates, 2 panelists have confirmed, World Bank, Chief Development Officer from the US, Digineer and from Norway: Panel 3- 30 minutes, short panel on future of procurment and GovStack specifications. Good place for ITU to mention GovStack green procurement guidelines. Moderated by ITU, Yolanda is tentative moderator. Panelists: ICT association from Estonia, representative from Rwanda, IMF and Norway. Confirmations this week. DIAL moderator for country perspective on DPI/ DPG panel.

  • Side to that a 30 minute side event- welcome of Women in GovTech Challenge 2023. Welcoming on a seperate stage. Time slot: 15:30 to 16:00 hr. 2 opening speeches, high level speakers from GIZ and ITU. Small presentation highlighting the Challenge and have to see who the mentor and mentee who will be there present physically.

  • Additional event: Propose to organise a GovStack after hours session, free format. Questions about budget need to be discussed and the organisational questions around it.

  • TDS is a physical event and no remote panels because of minister level discussions, there is no hybrid setup across the event.

  • Deputy Head of Department within BMZ is most probably coming.



Review Action Items

  • GERA document: In the process, recrafted and has been discussed in the Architecture Working Group, should be a broader discussion with a reflection working group about this after the first comments on the reflections of the Architecture Working Group is put forward. DIAL- Opinion on architecture team is that there is not enough on this, a new version on the document is being worked on, trying to see if it can be done in time before September. Focus should be on building the document being built right now.

  • Meeting on implementation playbook to be set between partners after September 4, as this week and the next are occupied owing to the Egypt deep dive and the Kenya Roadshow.

Framework Discussion (30 min at the end dedicated to this)

Postponed to next Monday.

3. GovStack Teams






Tech Committee

Tech Committee Kanban Board: https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/TECH/boards/27

  • Starting review on wave 3 bb process.

  • On product side, 10 additional use cases being worked on, to be finished by end of the month. Internal reviews have been happenning on this.

  • To focus on external reviewers for getting feedback and making changes based on it.

Product Committee

  • No updates to share.










Fall priority Events coming up:


  • Tallinn Digital Summit - to be discussed in Strategy meeting and Comms group

  • Digital Government Africa 4-6 October 2023 Zambia

  • Africa Climate Week Nairobi - Launch of Green Data Centre Guide (together with World Bank)

  • SDG Digital Day at UNGA - 17 September

  • IGF - 8-12 October

  • Kenya Roadshow

  • Egypt Deep Dive



Community Building

New Specification roles and processes (GovStack on a Shoestring)



Collaboration & Country Engagement

















@Jake Watson In next weeks meeting, review the Digitial Investment Framework proposed updates. ( ) - Will be discussed at the Strategic GC meeting
All to put in comments and feedback on reviewing the Digitial Investment Framework proposed on the document on confluence
Change the roadmap (above) to be clearer @Wes Brown and @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)
All to add ideas, comments etc to the documents in development at .
