2024-03-11 Governance Committee Meeting Notes
Mar 11, 2024
This page describes the GovStack meeting notes. We use this meeting page to both run the meeting and keep notes, actions and decisions.
To avoid long meeting where the current status of each report is read out, we ask all participants to read the links below before the meeting, add in any questions they may have and then ask them in the meeting. This will focus the meeting upon the questions, decisions and actions needed for greatest impact.
Participants -
ITU: @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) @Eskandar, Hani @PSRAMKUMAR
GIZ: @Nico Lueck
DIAL: @Wes Brown @Esther Ogunjimi @Steve Conrad @Arielle Diamond
EE: @Hans Christian Ende
0. Celebrate
Item | Read more at… | Notes |
International Womens Day Potcast Women Leading Digital | https://www.govstack.global/women-in-govtech-challenge-2023-24/ https://www.bmz-digital.global/en/news/16638/
Cambodia workshop today and tomorrow |
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GovStack presence in MOSIP Connect Event |
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1. Roadmap
Will be updated after the leadership retreat later in March
2. Priority Discussions
Item | Presented by | Notes |
GovStack Expert Concept | @Nico Lueck | Presentation and Feedback on the GovStack Expert Concept = Similar to Compliance Listing of Service Providers on our Webpage Companies and Freelancers Comments
Community agreement/contract | @Wes Brown | Should BBWG members “sign” the code of conduct and agree to be named on the spec and website? What about assigning IP rights to GovStack contributions? Comments
Feedback on Transition Plan | @Wes Brown | As Dial Transitions from active management of the core activities, we want to ensure that we help support the initiative as much as we can! Questions:
3. Team Updates and Opportunities for Strategic Decisions
Every GC meeting one cohort is requested to share updates in written form in this table.
Every team has the opportunity to request direction/decision from the GC.
Cohort 1
Team Name | Presenter | Update |
@Arielle Diamond |
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https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GH/pages/320897025 | @Sarah Fischer |
@Sarah Fischer @Hans Christian Ende |
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@Nora Hauptmann |
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@Max Schumann |
Decision Need
Item | Brought in by… | Notes |
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Cohort 2
Team Name | Presenter | Update |
@Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) |
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@Nora Hauptmann |
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@Martha Mundas
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Ingrid |
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https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GH/pages/306053156 | @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) |
Decision Need
Item | Brought in by… | Notes |
| [team] |
Cohort 3
Team Name | Presenter | Update |
https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GH/pages/306216961 | @PSRAMKUMAR / @Steve Conrad | Ramkumar - BB presentations and interactions in deep dives with Kenya, Lesotho, Djibouti, Somalia led to better appreciation of Govstack approach, identification of as-is and to-be use-cases with relevant gaps , constraints and existing policies and resources and how govstack adoption of BBs can benefit. We should factor in the fact that countries are sensitive to exposing their current architecture, strengths weakness to others and public forums. BB groups are involved based oncountry specific requirements after consolidating next steps with them. Specific enhancements in Payment and ID BB spec are being discussed apart from work started in e-wallet group, may fit in Q2 time frame with given resources. Steve - Seeing reduced participation in TC meetings. May partially be related to team members being part of country engagements as well as the end of many contracts. Most BB groups don’t have specific plans for updates to their Building Block specifications |
https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GH/pages/267812917 | @Steve Conrad | We have updated some of the core guidance on authentication and authorization. Ramkumar is working on a deep dive on authentication. Finishing review of PAERA document and will link to this guidance from the GovStack non-functional requirements document. Need to identify next set of architecture topics that should be prioritized for conversation - these will likely come out of country engagements. |
https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GH/pages/306053126 | @Wes Brown | Similar to the TC, seeing significantly reduced participation. Primary activities remain use case evaluation, process/specification discussions, and roadmap planning. GovStack critically needs a more strategic approach to involve country engagement back into core activities. Individual-based connections do not scale and reduce the ability for GovStack to facilitate and maintain a bi-directional relationship. |
https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GH/pages/306053166 | @Wes Brown | https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GH/pages/86179901 Citizen Engagement Use Case will be shared later this month at the March 27th PC meeting |
https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GH/pages/277413889 | @Nico Lueck | Iteration 3 - GovStack Expert concept (listing of service provider) Compliance WebApp: Searching for BB candidates to submit self-assessments |
https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GH/pages/177897507 | @Nico Lueck | v1 Release:
Decision Need
Item | Brought in by… | Notes |
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4. Communications and Events
Item | Read more at… | Notes |
Current status | {{ link to current status }} |
5. AOB
Item | Read more at… | Notes |