2022-11-28 Governance Committee Meeting

Created by @Margus Mägi


  • @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) @Arielle Diamond @Eskandar, Hani @Niharika Gujela @Nora Hauptmann @Sherman Kong (Unlicensed) @Nico Lueck @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) @Shukla, Ayush @Wes Brown



@Margus Mägi

 Meeting minutes

Presentation: 20221128_Gov. Committee.pptx




Notes, decisions and action items




Notes, decisions and action items

Highlight of the week 

  • Kickoff for Implementation Playbook Technical Advisory Committee  


  • Video of TAC review meeting.


  • General GC meetin strucure comment: GC meeting will from now on be documented in confluence. Open question: how will confluence be integrated and combined with powe point?

  • Follow up with TAC members on Feedback submitted for the playbook

GovStack Road-Map 2022 & Meetings Calendar

  1. IGF

  2. launch of SDG Digital Investment framework in Spanish

  3. Advisory Board

  4. BMZ digital.global

  5. 2023 plans





Partnerships & Country Engagement

  1. Jira + Confluence documentation of Country engagement on progress.



  • Sierra Leone - @Sherman Kong (Unlicensed) will find time in calendars to have a meeting for intros

  • @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) All country engagements will be in Jira by 5.12

  • 21.11-26.22

    • •Preperation of Rwanda workshops

      •Preperation for TAC review of Playbook

      •Rwanda co-design workshops for Initial 'To-Be' User journey and wireframes.

      •Djibouti Roadmap and Intitial assessment document shared with country team

      •Somalia meeting with Ministry of Digital transformation

  • 28.11-2.12

    • •Jira Projects + Confluence documenation on country engagment work

      •Training on use of Jira + confluence projects and pages for Country Engagemnt.

      •Incorporate data gathered during the co-design workshop into the 'To-Be' User journey for the Rwanda  EPR use case

      •Validation of wireframes for EPR service with Rwanda digital team

      •Follow up with North Macedonia, revission of RFI-1

      •Sending invitation to Sierra Leone on Working Group activites.

      •Followup calls with Djibouti

  • 5.12-10.12

    • •Presentation/iteration on Jira + confluence structure based on feedback gathered from SG members.

      •Followup on TAC reviewers feedback on playbook

      •Finalise documentaiton for 'To-Be' User journey of EPR service in Rwanda and its wireframes

      •Followup on Djibouti weekly calls

      •Followup on Somalia bi-weekly/tri-weekly calls

Building blocks – Product & technical committee 

@Wes Brown


Product - Discussions about actual quality and delivery deadlines on BB Specs is ongoing. Specs are low quality from product perspective and actionable deadlines need to be put in place.

Sandbox progress

@Nico Lueck


No updates this week


@Margus Mägi



Open question: How can we achieve more transparency on tendering opportunities. Tendering results can only be shared officially when contracts are signed.

Suggestion: we have an internal excel sheet with all tenders, links to calls etc.

@Margus Mägi will send around an email with suggested structure for collecting input.

Community Building and overall resourcing



  • For better transparency BB WG team lists will be public. @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) team is prepping how it would look like on GS website.


  • Year in Review 2022

  • Events

  • Editorial Calendar

  • Video script

  • Comms feedback survey

  • Internal Comms

@Arielle Diamond


Year in Review 2022

•You should've received an email from me or from Pia with a request for input

•Some data provided will be used for internal purposes – such as the Advisory Board meeting and for sharing across the consortium. 

•The more major accomplishments and impressive statistics will be used for external purposes – such as social media graphics and a Year in Review editorial. 



•Internet Governance Forum (28 Nov – 2 Dec) TODAY

•BMZ's Digital Global event, (1 Dec) GovStack session on Digital Infrastructure to Reinforce Resilience featuring Ukraine. Also, where the MOU will be presented.

•Repost: LinkedIn

•Repost: Twitter 

  • Co-Develop Meeting: Co-Develop-Meeting Agenda

    Open Questions: Is Madhukar confirmed? Nora will send around a final version and participants list in the next days.

Editorial Calendar

•Digital Leaders spotlight: Digital Investment Window

•2022 Year in Review

Video script

•I will share the script & storyboard today with an opportunity to give input

•We are on a tight production schedule and once we begin animation there will be no opportunity for input on script


Comms feedback survey

Last chance for input:



Internal Comms

•How can we help people stay in the know about what's happening across the consortium?

•Proposing: Confluence page with 1-2 bullets from each workstream, and links to longer meeting notes or sources in the footnotes.

•Weekly? Monthly? Quarterly? 

It will take work and input from all of us, looking for group buy-in on a solution and process




  1. December meetings (Margus)



  • GIZ will run meetings on December. There will not be a GC meeting next monday since we will mostly be meeting Co-Develop next week and we will decide on the number of meetings in December and send around an email by the end on this week! @Nora Hauptmann

  • We will have meetings on first two weeks of December and continue starting from 8th of January.