2024-03-18 Governance Committee Meeting Notes

2024-03-18 Governance Committee Meeting Notes

Mar 18, 2024

This page describes the GovStack meeting notes. We use this meeting page to both run the meeting and keep notes, actions and decisions.

To avoid long meeting where the current status of each report is read out, we ask all participants to read the links below before the meeting, add in any questions they may have and then ask them in the meeting. This will focus the meeting upon the questions, decisions and actions needed for greatest impact.

Participants -

ITU: @Shukla, Ayush @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) @Eskandar, Hani

GIZ: @Andrea Donath @Nora Hauptmann

DIAL: @Esther Ogunjimi @Arielle Diamond @Wes Brown

EE: @Hans Christian Ende


0. Celebrate


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Graduation Women in GovTech Challenge

GovStack Social Media





1. Roadmap

GovStack Roadmaps

Will be updated after the leadership retreat later in March

2. Priority Discussions


Presented by



Presented by


Preparations for Brussels:

  • EU positions for meetings with DG INTPA, D4D Hub

  • Workshop Sessions

@Nora Hauptmann / @Andrea Donath


DPI Summit

@Eskandar, Hani

Comments from Hani

Summit will stay in Egypt but move to Cairo

Scheduled for June 11-13

MCIT is requesting (more) formal documentation about goals/priorities for summit. Team will get together to discuss this later this week

Co-Develop has started on list of attendees and proposed agenda. Need to ensure that GovStack is properly represented during the summit

Goal is to invite 600-700 people, each partner should reach out to groups to invite

Thinking to make this an annual event

It could be helpful to have a broad perspective beyond specific regional solutions/architectures. This could be an opportunity for the EU to share their perspective

Opportunity for GovStack to be more vocal and share about our solution more generally

There will be an exhibition area where we could perhaps have sections for GovStack, DIIA, Egypt, etc

Andrea: Highlight that GovStack is an enabler of other specific solutions, the role that GovStack plays is different and important/valuable.

Ramkumar: Might be a good opportunity to have countries share about GovStack on our behalf, this could have more impact.

Upcoming Events


04 | April        21. - 25 Connected Africa Summit (Nairobi)

05 | May        22-23        eGovernance Conference (Tartu)

05 | May        27-31        World Summit Information Society (Geneva)

05 I May        21-24        ID4 Africa (CapeTown)

05 | May        27-29        re:publica (Berlin)


@Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) Add “GovStack Expert Concept” to the agenda for the Leadership Retreat
@Hans Christian Ende Add “IP Rights” to agenda for the leadership retreat
@Wes Brown to work with Martha to create agreement for GovStack Contributors related to CoC and naming within documents
@Wes Brown to coordinate with @Jake Watson to ensure that Dial Transition questions are discussed at the leadership retreat
@Nora Hauptmann For DPI Summit (and in general), standardize how we refer to collaborations and partnerships with GovStack (organize with Yolanda and Comms team)

3. Team Updates and Opportunities for Strategic Decisions

Every GC meeting one cohort is requested to share updates in written form in this table.

Every team has the opportunity to request direction/decision from the GC.

Cohort 1

Team Name



Team Name



Communication Team Canvas

@Arielle Diamond

  • Newsletter

    • We are preparing to send our first quarterly newsletter this month.

    • Raw content is collected here: News Update Q1.docx

  • Working with Martha to highlight Tech Community members on the website

    • Yolanda: Ensure that we are inclusive in terms of gender for the Tech Community members


@Sarah Fischer

Max Schumann is leaving the position as Lead Sustainability (GIZ), @Nora Hauptmann ist taking over the position togehter with @Farina Owusu (exact devision of tasks will follow in April)

Sustainability Team Canvas

@Sarah Fischer

@Hans Christian Ende

Max Schumann is leaving the position as Lead Sustainability (GIZ), @Nora Hauptmann ist taking over the position togehter with @Farina Owusu (exact devision of tasks will follow in April)

Partnership Team Canvas

@Nora Hauptmann

  • BMGF meeting - good conversations with Gates foundation regarding DPI Ecosystem

  • 50-in-5 - GovStack is an official “supporter” now

  • Co-Develop coordination of activities - Co Develop as part of 50-in 5 is providing a list for all ecosystem members to create visibility of activities in country

  • UNGA: UNICEF collaboration - planning a collaboration and communication around UNGA

Private Sector Team Canvas

@Martha Mundas

Max is leaving GIZ, Martha will be taking over this team/work


Decision Need


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@Nora Hauptmann Update team canvas’s for updated teams

Cohort 2

Team Name



Team Name



Country Engagement Team

@Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated)


Capacity Development Team Canvas

@Nora Hauptmann


Community Management Team Canvas

@Martha Mundas



Research Team (Pending)



Implementation Playbook Team Canvas

@Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated)


Decision Need


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Cohort 3

Decision Need


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4. Communications and Events


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Current status

{{ link to current status }}



Give Visibilty to GovStacks Technical contributers (Community Mgmt & Comms): @Martha Mundas please reach out to Ramkumar and Wes


5. AOB


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Update on Identity WG (on behalf of @Nico Lueck )

Martha and I created a shortlist and consulted with Jaume to select the right persons. We sorted to persons we would like to see A) as technical experts actively writing Specs and B) possibly volunteer contributors (most times silent or representing a BB provider).
The Identity WG meetings are targeted to start again in May. Jaume will get support by Martha.

  1. Seeking for active contribution as the role Technical expert:

  1. Contacting for review/feedback as the role contributor

The existing team members will of course be invited to continue with the working group.

Need to decide on how to recognize contributors

This work was started but is not currently progressing.

Wes: Suggesting to follow up on this actively after the Brussels meetings

Andrea: Perhaps Martha/Ramkumar/Wes could take this up going forward

