2023-08-14 Governance Committee Meeting


ITU: @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) @Shukla, Ayush @PSRAMKUMAR

GIZ (moderator): @Nora Hauptmann @Sarah Fischer @Cora Bay @Max Schumann @Nico Lueck

DIAL: @Jake Watson @Sainabou Jallow @Sarah Farooqi @Wes Brown @Janie Hayes @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

EE: -

0. Celebrate





Sandbox Simulation


Egypt Deep Dive


1. GovStack Roadmap

May2023JunJulAugSepOctNovDec2023Q3 Pub1.0 Pub

Wave 3 Initial Publication

Wave 1 & 2 Updates

Sandbox && BB Development (IM, Payment, ID, IM)

Research Strategy

Women in GovStack Challenge 23-24

eCab, Const P, CMS, Open Call for DPGs, KCMS Hack

Playbook, Website

S9.3 EPR - DPG Selection

GovStack Deliverables Workshop .pptx (sharepoint.com)

Add women in GovTech challenge to roadmap @Shukla, Ayush
Change the roadmap to be clearer @Wes Brown and @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)


2. Priority Discussions







Suggestion on new Teams and Committee Invitations Team Proposalarchived

  • Lag of numbers of teams using this format

  • @Nico Lueck presented a new Team proposal and update on reporting structure

    • @Nico Lueck conducts short session or chat with team/accountable person to fill in canvas and get feedback on meeting structure

    • @Nico Lueck insert in committee agenda invitations for teams to share latest prgoress and upcoming activities

    • @Sarah Fischer and @Nora Hauptmann to invite teams and reports of teams into the next GCs

  • Request to install no new meeting structures

Expanding the proposed new approach to specification development (GovStack on a Shoestring) into a full implementation process – @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

  • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) is providing a fuller description of the roles

  • @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) is preparing a seperate space on confluence and invites everyone to share and provide feedback based on the premises of “GovStack on a Shoestring” to manage specs writing — content being developed at Specification Development Roles and Processes

  • List will be sent by 16th August - content should be there by 21st August

Review Action Items





ALL Provide feedback on HOA DPG TORs (Content management system, RFP Case management system ) by end of the week
@Nico Lueck to follow up on any outstanding questions, migrate the teams to confluence and work with the leads to bring the canvases up to date.
@Margus Mägi review on the GERA document is in process. Separate meeting to be organized to discuss the outcomes in August.
@Wes Brown In two weeks, review the Digitial Investment Framework proposed updates. (Framework 23Q3 Proposed Outline ) - Will be discussed at the Strategic GC meeting
Cora and Max to set up private sector engagement/partnership prozess ---> Will be presented next week by @Cora Bay
@Wes Brown Set up meeting between partners regarding alignment on implementation strategies (end of July or early August)

3. GovStack Teams















Tech Committee

Tech Committee Kanban Board: Technical Committee Board


Wave 3 BB teams have submitted their drafts, targeting to finish by mid-September.




Product Committee

Final Use Cases for September release, finished by end of August to be reviewed till mid September.


















  • Workshop for ID eLearning course

  • Egypt Deep Dive, two weeks in-person training in Cairo

  • Research consultation report on progress held in Poland in July
















Fall priority Events coming up:


  • Tallinn Digital Summit - to be discussed in Strategy meeting and Comms group

  • Digital Government Africa 4-6 October 2023 Zambia

  • Africa Climate Week Nairobi - Launch of Green Data Centre Guide (together with World Bank)

  • SDG Digital Day at UNGA - 17 September

  • IGF - 8-12 October

  • Kenya Roadshow

  • Egypt Deep Dive





Is currently being updated - Thanks everyone for your inputs! Siane by DIAL to take over this process.




Community Building




Women in GovTech Challenge

  • Applications open until August 31st

  • Kick off 1st Co-hort TDS with ITU Secretary General

  • Over 158 applications




Gender CoP

  • first draft of whitepaper is available for comments




Collaboration & Country Engagement




Country Engagement

  • Call for BB in validation by countries CMS, eCabinet, Construction Permit

  • Country engagement per region status meeting will cover Asia Pacific this week - Laos, Cam, PNG, India Regional Workshop

  • HoA Kenya Road Show 29 -31 August 2023




Private Sector enagement

@Cora Bay and @Max Schumann will answer any question regarding the engagement opportunities which have been sent around.

  • Thanks for the comments which were included in the presentaiton

  • Roadmap for Private Sector engagement shared

  • Questions

    • How can we involve smaller companies and no just big ones?

    • Is WG membership a real option?

    • Synchronize with partnership management @Nora Hauptmann

    • GovTech Salons proposed as a format





Update on the process and the meeting with Linux Foundation


















SDG Framwork Updates

  • how to integrate it better with existing GovStack processes and products

  • This will be discussed in the next Strategic GC Meeeting which will be moved to August as Sep 4th is a holiday in the US






