2023-07-10 Governance Committee Meeting

Jul 10, 2023

This page describes the GovStack Governance Committee meeting notes. We use this meeting page to run the meeting and keep notes, actions, and decisions.

To avoid long meetings where the current status of each report is read out, we ask all participants to read the links below before the meeting, and add only major questions/priority discussions they may have to be raised in the meeting. This will focus the meeting upon context-setting and assessing scenarios as a group and enough time for discussion that will result in joint decisions and actions needed for the greatest impact.



ITU: @Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) @Shukla, Ayush @PSRAMKUMAR

GIZ: @Nora Hauptmann @Nico Lueck @Farina Owusu

DIAL: @Wes Brown @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed)

EE: @Margus Mägi

0. Celebrate





 AI for good summit


Propose to have a CIO Digital Leaders Forum on AI Summit 2024 showcasing IA enable use cases.

Launch of blogs and research activities related to AI

@Martinez, Yolanda (Deactivated) event was a success. Next year GS should be part of it; the format is similar to WISIS.

1. GovStack Roadmap

May2023JunJulAugSepOctNovDec2023Q3 Pub1.0 Pub

Wave 3 Initial Publication

Wave 1 & 2 Updates

Sandbox && BB Development (IM, Payment, ID, IM)

Research Strategy

Women in GovStack

eCab, Const P, CMS, Open Call for DPGs, KCMS Hack

Playbook, Website

S9.3 EPR - DPG Selection


@Wes Brown to add deliverables from other than Spec streams to have one consolidated roadmap.
@Nora Hauptmann will provide slides that elaborate on the deliverables of other streams: GovStack Deliverables Workshop .pptx (sharepoint.com)

Please provide events that should be added to the roadmap along with any high-level workstream timelines that would be helpful on this roadmap

  • Name (Date), Description

  • For example:

  • dgo Conference in Poland July 14th, 2023

  • Egypt Deep Dive August 20th, 2023

  • TDS Side Event Sep 5th, 2023

  • 23Q3 Publication (Mid-September), The next GovStack publication

2. Priority Discussions





Review Action Items


Open call for BB - Laverits


Construcción Permit

Content management system

RFP Case management system

Margus and Nico have provided comments to eCabinet and Construction Permits which have been responded to and incorporated into the respective ToR.

Nico has provided comments to RFP in Case Management and Content Management System - Comments will be reviewed and incorporated by Wednesday, July 12th 2023

Country teams are reviewing the documents as well; revision period will last two weeks approx.

Wes raised a question, about how this activity is related to GS and how it's contributing to the GS specs work? Those use cases are not the whole of gov approach. He has serious concerns about that and related activities. From the DIAL side they don't belive in this approach.

Decision: align partners understanding of country engagements. Wes will organize a separate meeting about it.




1.0 Publication After Action Review

@Margus Mägi will reach out to @Rachel Lawson (Unlicensed) to figure out the retro questions to be collected in a structured manner.

Poland Conference July 14th

Concept note for comments available here


Confirm partners participants at GC

Please leave comments on the concept note by Friday June 30th 2023

ALL to read the concept note
PPT to be use in plenary GovStack Exc Deck
PPT to be use in the consultation workshop

GC Management

Joint Targets in Jira (see above: Wes will review the jointly defined targets and deliverables and add them to Jira) We agreed to test how this version of the Jira roadmap will work for our weekly review of the roadmap.

Country engagement

Dashbaord updated in confluence

New countries in the process of scoping their collaboration with GovStack: Gambia: GIS Addressing System, eLearning. South Africa: Capacity building 100 public servants

Community Growth Team

decision Required The CGT can provide valuable insight into the further work around future structures and working in building blocks. Rachel would like to share the Shoestring document with the team and continue to develop with them. Okay?


ALL Provide feedback on HOA DPG TORs (Content management system, RFP Case management system ) by end of the week
@Nora Hauptmann & @Nico Lueck to define what we mean by Partnership Team​ and propose whether we should have a team
@Nico Lueck to follow up on any outstanding questions, migrate the teams to confluence and work with the leads to bring the canvases up to date
@Margus Mägi AAR on the GERA document and process for publication
@Margus Mägi Set up AAR for 1.0 publication process
@Nora Hauptmann to set up private sector engagement/partnership team ---> Will be presented next week by @Cora Bay
@Wes Brown Set up meeting between partners regarding alignment on implementation strategies (end of July or early August)

3. GovStack Teams






Tech Committee

Tech Committee Kanban Board: https://govstack-global.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/TECH/boards/27

They are working on Wave 3 BB to get these redy for publication. After the september publication, we will ask broader experts feedback. Hopefull for quality increase.

Product Committee

Use Case Sector Survey - Please fill it out and share in your networks





GovStack research approach

Inventory of e-learning artifacts

First consultation process in dgo Poland

Update the artifact tracker





Fall priority Events comming up:


@Nora Hauptmann GIZ has been invited to Zambia Digital Gov Africa event. Is any partner going or wants to be presented somehow?

Community Building

Community Growth Team

decision Required The CGT can provide valuable insight into the further work around future structures and working in building blocks. Rachel would like to share the Shoestring document with the team and continue to develop with them. Okay?

  1. Prepare draft version and share this with Strategy Committe. After what the broader engagement can be more aligned and meaningful.

Gender CoP

Successful first Gender CoP roundtable, now compiling learnings for whitepaper.

Collaboration & Country Engagement

Team Europe Initiative E-government Cybersecurity

Nora gave update on next steps for TEI and GIZs involvement

India & One future fund, GIZ will initiate meeting with Abishek Singh as Advisory Board member

Margus and Yolanda would like to be part of a call with Abishek Singh

UNDP DPI Playbook will be circulated next week for feedback

Nora will circulate for Feedback


Planning an Introduction Workshop in Senegal in September Senegal Government and SENUM (digitization agency) are interested in adapting a GovStack approach. GIZ digital team and country office secured funding for deep dive workshop in Dakar in September. GIZ will reach out to compile agenda and team for a deep dive workshop. Please indicate if you would like to be part of the planning process



  • Decision. The next meeting is on 27th of July.

